The Physics of Bowdrill by Seamus

Matches are awesome. However, since potassium chlorate (the chemical on the top of matches) isn’t exactly readily available in the wilderness, knowing how to create a fire with physics rather than chemistry can be a valuable skill. As you most likely know, a fire requires oxygen, fuel, and heat to burn. Fuel, or dry wood, […]

Note Taking, Phases of the Moon, Planet Distance scaling and more…

In class this week, we discussed the research showing that students who take notes by hand tend to remember and “know” the material better than students who type.  See this article outlining the evidence in Scientific American.  The most effective note takers utilize certain methods such as reviewing and reflecting on notes, adding color, and […]

Kryptos by Vincent

I bet almost everyone has played some sort of puzzle game in their lifetime. Some puzzles are hard, some are easy, some you want to throw out the window, and finally are the ones you want to burn in a bonfire. Well, this puzzle is about 100 times worse than the puzzles that make you […]